Insulin in bodybuilding; Are Myths and facts about insulin in bodybuilding? Looking for muscle mass? Then find out if you should be using insulin in your training plans to gain a lot of muscle. This article will discuss the myths and facts about insulin in bodybuilding as it applies to dairy products. It is widely accepted that eating foods with a high glycemic index can lead to increased fat mass. However, milk is entirely inappropriate for such a claim. The glycemic index of the product is high, but fat mass is not obtained when consumed. Let’s talk about this in more detail.
Insulin and dairy products
Most theories about the possibility of converting carbohydrates into fat are based on the fact that this nutrient activates insulin secretion. However, the body can react with the release of this hormone and when protein compounds are used, which casts doubt on these theories.
Otherwise, foods with a high glycemic index would increase fat mass. Dairy completely refutes this assumption. Although they contain many carbohydrates, their consumption leads to a significant release of insulin. It should note that lactose (lactose) has a relatively low glycemic index.
Thus, the body’s insulin response to dairy products is potent, with a slight increase in blood sugar levels. If you compare them to, say, white bread, the increase in sugar concentration after consuming dairy products is about 60 percent lower.
For this reason, it can conclude that insulin is actively formed not because of the lactose content in milk, or more precisely, not only because of it. Several studies have shown that whey proteins are significantly more effective in stimulating insulin secretion than non-dairy proteins. One of the reasons for the body’s more robust insulin response to dairy products is their high amino acid content. As you know, leucine can stimulate the pancreas. It is one of the reasons. Another is the ability of dairy products to target glucose-dependent insulin-modulating peptides.
This hormone is produced in the intestines, and the rate of insulin production largely depends on its concentration. It proves once again that carbohydrates are not the only thing that can increase the speed of insulin production.

Effect of insulin in dairy products on weight change
Research on this topic has been done more than once, but none of them have revealed the ability of dairy products to increase fat in the body. For example, found the opposite relationship in menopausal women. They obtained similar results earlier during experiments with animals. In all studies, mice eating dairy products lost weight.
However, one must admit that one experiment showed an increase in fat mass when consuming fat milk. However, this fact may be related to the product’s calorie content, which is higher than skim milk. Finally, I would like to say again that insulin is not the culprit of the obesity epidemic on Earth.